Lord Of The Rings Names For Cats
Welcome, fellow cat lovers and Middle-earth enthusiasts! If you’ve recently welcomed a new furry addition into your family, congratulations are in order! Now comes the delightful task of choosing the perfect name for your beloved feline companion. And what better inspiration than the rich, enchanting world of J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece, “The Lord of the Rings”? Here are 377 Lord Of The Rings names for cats to inspire you!
Whether you’re a fan of hobbits, wizards, elves, or dwarves, there’s a name from Middle-earth that’s sure to suit your kitty’s unique personality and charm. From the noble and majestic to the mischievous and playful, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the best names inspired by the characters, places, and creatures of the LOTR legendary saga.
So, whether you’re seeking a name that evokes the strength of Gandalf, the grace of Arwen, or the deviousness of Gollum, you’ll find plenty of options to consider. Join us as we embark on a journey through the realms of Mordor, imagination, and fantasy to discover the best name for your purrfect companion!
- Adam Brown – Ori
- Aidan Turner – Kili (Elf)
- Alan Howard – The Ring (voice)
- Aldarion
- Alexia Fairbrother – Cute Rohan Refugee Child
- Amras
- Amrod
- Anarion
- Ancalagon
- Andy Serkis – Gollum/Smeagol
- Angrod
- Aragorn
- Arathorn
- Arwen
- Aule
- Azog
- Bain
- Balin
- Balrog
- Barahir
- Bard
- Beleg
- Belladonna
- Ben Fransham – The Witch-King
- Ben Price – Aide
- Benedict Cumberbatch – Smaug (voice)
- Beorn
- Beregond
- Beren
- Bernard Hill – Theoden
- Beruthiel
- Bifur
- Bilbo
- Billy Boyd – Peregrin ‘Pippin’ Took
- Billy Connolly – Dain Ironfoot
- Billy Jackson – Cute Rohan Refugee Child
- Bofur
- Bolg
- Bombur
- Boromir
- Brad Dourif – Grima Wormtongue
- Brand
- Bret McKenzie – Figwit/Lindir
- Bret McKenzie – Lindir
- Brian Sergent – Teddy
- Bruce Allpress – Aldor
- Bruce Phillips – Grimbold
- Bruce Spence – The Mouth of Sauron
- Bungo
- Caranthir
- Cate Blanchett – Galadriel
- Celeborn
- Celebrian
- Celebrimbor
- Christopher Lee – Saruman
- Cirdan
- Craig Parker – Haldir
- Curufin
- Daeron
- Dain
- Daisy
- David Weatherley – Barliman Butterbur
- David Wenham – Faramir
- Deagol
- Dean O’Gorman – Fili
- Denethor
- Dominic Monaghan – Meriadoc ‘Merry’ Brandybuck
- Donnamira
- Dori
- Drogo
- Dudo
- Durin
- Dwalin
- Earendil
- Ecthelion
- Egalmoth
- Eilinel
- Elendil
- Elendur
- Elenwe
- Elijah Wood – Frodo Baggins
- Elladan
- Elmo
- Elrohir
- Elrond
- Elros
- Elu
- Elwing
- Emeldir
- Enel
- Eomer
- Eowyn
- Erchamion
- Erellont
- Eru
- Estë
- Estel
- Evangeline Lilly – Tauriel
- Falco
- Fangorn
- Faramir
- Farmer Maggot
- Feanor
- Fëanor
- Felagund
- Fili
- Finarfin
- Finduilas
- Fingolfin
- Fingon
- Finrod
- Finwë
- Forlong
- Fornost
- Fredegar
- Frodo
- Fundin
- Gaffer
- Galadon
- Galadriel
- Galion
- Gandalf
- Gil-galad
- Gilraen
- Gimli
- Glaurung
- Gloin
- Glorfindel
- Gollum
- Gorlim
- Gothmog
- Graham McTavish – Dwalin
- Grant Roa – Uruk-hai Berserker
- Greg Ellis – Net Mender
- Grima
- Grishnakh
- Gwaihir
- Hador
- Haldir
- Harry Sinclair – Isildur
- Henry Mortensen – Cute Rohan Refugee Child
- Hilda
- Howard Shore – Himself (cameo)
- Huan
- Hugo Weaving – Elrond
- Huor
- Ian Holm – Bilbo Baggins (older)
- Ian Holm – Frodo Baggins (older version)
- Ian Holm – Old Bilbo
- Ian McKellen – Gandalf
- Idril
- Imrahil
- Indis
- Ingwe
- Isildur
- James Nesbitt – Bofur
- Jarl Benzon – Warrior
- Jed Brophy – Nori
- John Bach – Madril
- John Bell – Bain
- John Callen – Oin
- John Noble – Denethor
- John Rhys-Davies – Gimli
- John Tui – Bolg
- Jonathan Harding – Harad Archer
- Jonathan Jordan – Captain of the Uruk-hai
- Jørn Benzon – Warrior
- Karl Urban – Eomer
- Ken Stott – Balin
- Kili
- Lalaith
- Lalia
- Lawrence Makoare – Lurtz/Witch-King/Gothmog
- Lee Pace – Thranduil
- Legolas
- Lindir
- Liv Tyler – Arwen
- Liz Merton – Cute Rohan Refugee Child
- Lobelia
- Lotho
- Luhtien
- Luke Evans – Bard
- Lurtz
- Luthien
- Mandos
- Manu Bennett – Azog the Defiler
- Manwe
- Mark Atkin – Braga
- Mark Hadlow – Dori
- Martin Freeman – Bilbo Baggins
- Marton Csokas – Celeborn
- Mary Nesbitt – Tilda
- Melian
- Meriadoc
- Merry
- Mirabella
- Miranda Otto – Eowyn
- Miriel
- Morgoth
- Moria
- Morwen
- Mungo
- Myrtle
- Nain
- Narsil
- Nick Blake – Percy
- Nienna
- Nienor
- Nimrodel
- Nori
- Oin
- Ori
- Orlando Bloom – Legolas
- Orodreth
- Orome
- Osse
- Pansy
- Peggy Nesbitt – Sigrid
- Peony
- Peregrin
- Pervinca
- Peter Hambleton – Gloin
- Peter Jackson
- Phil Grieve – Irolas
- Pippin
- Ponto
- Porto
- Primrose
- Radagast
- Rian
- Richard Armitage – Thorin Oakenshield
- Rorimac
- Rosie
- Ross Duncan – Rohan Soldier
- Rosy
- Rúmil
- Ryan Gage – Alfrid Lickspittle
- Sadwyn Brophy – Eldarion
- Sala Baker – Sauron
- Sam Comery – Grond
- Samwise
- Sancho
- Sara
- Sarah McLeod – Rose ‘Rosie’ Cotton
- Sarah Peirse – Hilda Bianca
- Saruman
- Sauron
- Sean Astin – Samwise Gamgee
- Sean Bean – Boromir
- Shane Rangi – Harad Leader/Witch-King Minion
- Shelob
- Sigrid
- Smaug
- Stephen Fry – The Master of Laketown
- Stephen Hunter – Bombur
- Stephen Ure – Fimbul
- Stephen Ure – Gorbag/Grublog/Shagrat
- Sylvester McCoy – Radagast
- Sylvester McCoy – The Master of Laketown
- Tauriel
- Ted
- Thalion
- Thengel
- Theoden
- Thingol
- Thomas Robins – Deagol
- Thomasin McKenzie – Astrid
- Thorin
- Thorondor
- Thrain
- Thranduil
- Thror
- Thrór
- Tilda
- Togo
- Tolman
- Tom Bombadil
- Treebeard
- Tuor
- Turgon
- Turin
- Túrin
- Ugluk
- Ulmo
- Vaire
- Vairë
- Valacar
- Valandil
- Valar
- Varda
- Viggo Mortensen – Aragorn
- Voronwe
- Wilcome
- William Kircher – Bifur
Lord Of The Rings Cat Names From Villians
Enter the dark lands of Mordor with our collection of cat names inspired by the evil characters of Middle-earth. From the shadows of Mordor to the depths of Isengard, these names carry an air of mystery and intrigue, perfect for feline companions with a mischievous streak or a hint of darkness in their eyes. Whether you seek a name that evokes the power of Sauron or the treachery of Saruman, you’ll find inspiration aplenty in our list of Lord of the Rings cat names from villains. Embark on this journey through the shadows of Tolkien’s world, and discover the perfect title for your feline friend.
- Ancalagon the Black
- Scatha the Worm
- Gostir
- Throkmaw
- Urfang
- Uglúk
- Gorbag
- Durin’s Bane
- The Balrog of Morgoth
- The Watcher in the Water
- The Great Goblin
- Azog the Defiler
- Gothmog (Lieutenant of Morgul)
- The Witch-king of Angmar
- The Nazgûl
- The Fell Beast
- The Cave-troll of Moria
- Gwaihir the Windlord
- Caradhras the Cruel
- Carcharoth
- Draugluin
- Lungorthin
- Dagnir
- Adûnaic
- Bauglir
- Fankil
- Fellbeast
- Gûlavhar
- Harion
- Helkar
- Karadaš
- Krulghâsh
- Mablung
- Megged
- Mornaug
- Murlog
- Nâlthrâz
- Narûgas
- Othrod
- Pëana
- Scatha
- Serpent of the North
- Skauril
- Thû
- Ulfang
- Ulfang’s Werewolves
- Ulûkai
- Ulund
- Urûvan
- Uvatha the Horseman
- Valarauko
- Vardos
- White Wargs
- Wolf-Sauron
- Wolves of Isengard
- Wolves of Mirkwood
- Worm of Morgul
- Wulf
- Aello
- Celaeno
- Ocypete
- Charybdis
- Charon
- Cerberus
- Chimera
- Cyclops
- Echidna
- Erymanthian Boar
- Furies
- Geryon
- Harpies
- Hecatoncheires
- Hydra
- Ladon
- Lamia
- Medusa
- Minotaur
- Nemean Lion
- Orthros
- Pegasus
- Sphinx
- Scylla
- Typhon
Choosing the perfect name for your new furry friend is an exciting journey, and drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings can add a touch of magic and whimsy to your household. Whether you opt for a name that reflects the bravery of Aragorn, the wisdom of Gandalf, or the mischievousness of Pippin, each nickname carries with it a story and a sense of adventure.
May your new cat or kitten bring joy, companionship, and a touch of fantasy into your life as you embark on your own epic journey together. And remember, no matter what name you choose, the bond you share with your beloved pet is the true magic that brings your home to life. Happy naming, and may your adventures in cat ownership be as legendary as those of Frodo and his companions in Middle-earth!