500+ Cute Cat Names
Choosing the purrfect name for your feline friend is more than just a whimsical task. It’s an opportunity to capture the essence of your cat’s adorable personality in a single, endearing word. Much like naming a child, selecting a name for your cat is a reflection of their character, quirks, and the special bond you share. Whether your cute kitty is mischievous and playful, regal and dignified, or simply exudes an irresistibly fluffy charm, the right name can become a delightful extension of their identity. In this article, we selected over 500 cute cat names, specifically curated from our years of experience naming kitties.
Cats have diverse personalities. Each deserves a name that resonates with their individual traits and habits. Observing your cat’s behavior, tendencies, and distinctive quirks provides valuable insights that can guide you in choosing a moniker that feels tailor-made. Are they the epitome of elegance, gracefully prancing around with an air of regality? Or perhaps they’re the resident goofball, entertaining you with their playful antics and endless curiosity. So, let’s explore the world of adorable names and find the one that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of your little monster.
- Abrafluff Lincoln
- Abu
- Adele
- Al Purr-son
- Aladdin
- Alessia
- Allyson Cat-son
- Amelia Purrhart
- Anderson
- Andy Purr-ay
- Anthony “Purr-thony” Davis
- Apollo
- Archie
- Ariana
- Ariel
- Aurora
- Avril
- Bagheera
- Bailey
- Baloo
- Balto
- Bambi
- Bandit
- Basil
- Bastille
- Belle
- Benny
- Berlioz
- Bernard
- Beyoncé
- Bianca
- Billie
- Bing Bong
- Binx
- Biscuit
- Bliss
- Blossom
- Bo Peep
- Boo
- Boots
- Breezy
- Bruno
- Bubbles
- Bumble
- Buster
- Buzz
- Cam Purr-newton
- Camila
- Captain Cuddlebug
- Captain Fuzzy Pants
- Captain Snickersnack
- Captain Snugglepants
- Captain Snugglewhisker
- Cardi
- Casper
- Cat-aclan
- Cat-alonia
- Cat-amir Khan
- Cat-garet Thatcher
- Cat-lyn Jenner
- Cat-mantha Bee
- Cat-rack
- Cat-rine Decker
- Cat-ris Bryant
- Cat-ris Hemsworth
- Cat-ris Paul
- Cat-ris Sale
- Cat-rlos Correa
- Cat-rrie Underwood
- Cat-rson Wentz
- Cat-sanova
- Cat-sper David
- Cat-sper the Friendly Ghost
- Catilda the Hun
- Catniss Everclean
- Catrick Stewart
- Catrick Swayze
- Catrina Witt
- Catticus Finch
- Cera
- Chairman Meow
- Chance
- Charli
- Charlie (Puth)
- Charm
- Cher
- Cheshire Cat
- Chester
- Childish (Gambino)
- Chip
- Cinderella
- Cindy Lou Who
- Cinnamon
- Cleo
- Cleo-paw-tra
- Cleocatra
- Clyde
- Cody
- Cookie
- Cosmo
- Cri-Kee
- Cricket
- Cristiano Ronal-doe
- Crush
- Crystal
- Cuddlebug McFluffy
- Cuddles
- Cuddlesaurus Rex
- Cupcake
- Daffodil
- Daisy
- Dale
- Darkwing
- Dawson
- Demi
- Destiny
- Dewdrop
- Dewey
- Dexter
- Disco)
- Dizzy
- Dobby
- Dolly
- Donald
- Donkey
- Doodle
- Dopey
- Dory
- Drake
- Drew Breezey
- Drew Purr-ees
- Dua
- Duchess
- Ducky
- Dug
- Dumbo
- Ed Sheeran
- Eeyore
- Ellie
- Elsa
- Elton
- Emile
- Esmeralda
- Fancy
- Fawn
- Felix
- Fergus
- Fievel
- Fifi
- Figaro
- Finley
- Finn
- Florence
- Flounder
- Flower
- Fluffalbert Einstein
- Fluffbert Hawking
- Fluffernoodlekins
- Fluffernugget
- Fluffernugget McTickle
- Fluffernut McSnuggle
- Fluffernutter
- Fluffington von Whiskerstein
- Frou-Frou
- Fudge
- Furr-dinand Chevalier
- Furr-dinand Magellan
- Furrball McFluffy
- Furrball McGiggle
- Furrball McGraw
- Furrball McNoodle
- Furrball McSillypants
- Furrball McSnickerpants
- Furrball McSnugglebug
- Furrball McSnuggles
- Furrball McTicklepaws
- Furrball McTickletoes
- Furrball Thunderpaws
- Furrball von Fluff
- Furrball von Sillywig
- Fuzz Lightyear
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Gadget
- Gaga
- Gem
- Giannis Ante-kitty-mpo
- Gigi
- Giselle
- Gizmo
- Glimmer
- Goofy
- Grimes
- Gus
- Gus Gus
- Gwen
- Halsey
- Harmony
- Harry
- Hazel
- Hercules
- Honeysuckle
- Hozier
- Huey
- Imagine
- Ivy
- J.J. Watt-son
- J.R. Smith-purr
- Jagger
- Jane
- Janelle
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Jax
- Jazzy
- Jellybean
- Jinx
- John (Legend)
- Joy
- Juno
- Justin
- Kanga
- Katie LeClaw
- Katy
- Kenai
- Kesha
- Khalid
- Kiara
- Kiki
- Kitten
- Kitten Ledecky
- Koda
- Kovu
- Kronk
- Kuzco
- Lady
- Lana
- Launchpad
- LeBron Paws
- Lennon
- Leonardo da Purr-vinci
- Lilo
- Linguini
- Lionel Meow-hy
- Lionel Meow-ssi
- Little Cindy
- Littlefoot
- Lizzo
- Lorde
- Louie
- Louis
- Luka Cat-cic
- Lulu
- Lumiere
- Luna
- Mabel
- Macklemore
- Maple
- Marie
- Marie Curiwhiskers
- Marigold
- Marina
- Marlin
- Marmalade
- Marzipan
- Max
- Megan
- Megara
- Mellow
- Meow-nte Adams
- Meow-roe
- Meow-yan Trautwig
- Meowcolm X
- Meowhammad Ali
- Meowington the Great

- Meowington the Silly
- Meowington von Wiggle
- Meowington Wobble
- Meowry Antoinette
- Meowzarella
- Meowzart
- Meowzart Melody
- Meowzart Symphony
- Meowzilla
- Mew-sain Bolt
- Mew-selle Wie
- Mew-ssi Beasley
- Michael Meow-rphy
- Miley
- Milo
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Mira
- Mischief
- Miso
- Miss Bianca
- Moana
- Mochi
- Mousse
- Mowgli
- Moxie
- Mr. Cuddlefluff
- Mr. Cuddlepaws
- Mr. Cuddlepuff
- Mr. Tickles
- Mr. Whiskerface
- Muffin
- Mulan
- Mushu
- Nala
- Napawleon Bonaparte
- Nemo
- Niall
- Nimbus
- Noodle
- Normani
- Novak Djokitty
- Olaf
- Olive
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Oreo
- Otis
- Paak
- Pansy
- Pascal
- Paul Cat-russell
- Paw-casso
- Paw-dington Bear
- Paw-dre Agassi
- Paw-driguez
- Paw-l George
- Paw-lato
- Paw-mela Anderson
- Paw-spero
- Paw-sseidon
- Paw-verly Hills
- Pawblo Picasso
- Pawsitively Paul George
- Pawtrick Henry
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Pegasus
- Perdita
- Petal
- Petrie
- Pharrell
- Phil
- Philoctetes
- Pickle
- Pickles
- Piggy
- Piglet
- Pink
- Pippa
- Pippin
- Pistachio
- Pixie
- Pluto
- Pongo
- Pooh
- Poppy
- Posty
- Pudding
- Pumba
- Pumbaa
- Purr-ick Ewing
- Purr-ick Kane
- Purr-ick Mahomes
- Purr-ick Reed
- Purr-rack Obama
- Purr-thur Conan Doyle
- Purrlock Combs
- Purrlock Furrington
- Purrlock Furrmes
- Purrlock Fuzzyson
- Purrlock Holmes
- Purrlock Snugglesworth
- Purrlock Tickleton
- Puss in Boots
- Quasimodo
- Queen Catoline
- Queen Elizapurrth I
- Queen Vicroar-ia
- Quincy
- Rafael Nadal-cat
- Rapunzel
- Rascal
- Ray
- Remy
- Rex
- Rihanna
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Ronda Rousey-paw
- Roo
- Roxanne
- Ruel
- Rusty
- Sable
- Saffron
- Sam (Smith)
- Scooter
- Scrooge
- Sebastian
- Selena
- Seraphina
- Serena Purr-Williams
- Shawn
- Shawn (Mendes)
- Sia
- Sigmund Fluff
- Sigrid
- Simba
- Simona Halepurr
- Sir Cuddlesworth
- Sir Fluffernutter
- Sir Fluffington
- Sir Fluffington von Ticklesworth
- Sir Fluffykins
- Sir Fuzzalot
- Sir Hissalot
- Sir Isaac Mewton
- Sir Meowsalot
- Sir Noodlewhiskers
- Sir Pawin Drake
- Sir Pounce-a-lot
- Sir Purr-a-lot
- Sir Purrington III
- Sir Snickerdoodle
- Sir Snugglebottom
- Sir Snugglepuss
- Sir Ticklepaws
- Sir Tickleton McPurr
- Sir Whiskerfluff
- Sir Whiskerlot
- Sir Whiskerwiggle
- Sir Whiskerworth
- Sizzle
- Skye
- Slinky Dog
- Sloane Meow-ens
- Sloane Ste-meow-s
- Smeagol
- Snickerdoodle McDoodle
- Snickerdoodle Purrington
- Snickers
- Snickersnack
- Snickersnoodle
- Snowdrop
- Snuggle Muffin
- Snuggle Muffintop
- Snuggleberry
- Snugglebunny McFluff
- Snugglepuff
- Socks
- Sparkle
- Sparky
- Spike
- Sprinkles
- Sprout
- Spunky
- St. Vincent
- Starlet
- Starlight
- Stitch
- Sully
- Sushi
- Sven
- Taffy
- Tango
- Tantor
- Tarzan
- Taylor
- Teddy
- Terk
- Tessa
- The Weeknd
- Thomas O’Malley
- Thumper
- Tiana
- Tiger Purr-ods
- Timon
- Tinkerbell
- Tinsel
- Tito
- Toby
- Toffee
- Tom Cat-y
- Toothless
- Totoro
- Toulouse
- Tramp
- Travis
- Troye
- Truffle
- Tucker
- Tulip
- Twinkle
- Velvet
- Vincent van Gogh-purr
- Waffle
- Waffles
- Waffles McFluff
- Waffles McMuffin
- Wall-E
- Wally
- Webby
- Whisker Doodle
- Whisker Doodlebug
- Whisker McWiggle
- Whisker T. Fuzzington
- Whisker Wigglebottom
- Whisker Wigglepaws
- Whisker Wiggles
- Whisker Wobble
- Whiskerella
- Whiskeridoo Roosevelt
- Whiskerina Ballerina
- Whiskerino
- Whiskerlicious
- Whiskers
- Wiggly Whiskerface
- Wiggly Whiskertail
- Wiggly Whiskerwiggle
- Willow
- Winston
- Woody
- Zara
- Zayn
- Zazu
- Zedd
- Zephyr
- Zero
- Ziggy
- Zinnia
- Zion Paw-lliamson
- Zorro
- Zuzu
Cat Naming Guides
About the Author: Justin Ruffier
My journey with TNR began in the canyon behind my house. A few kittens were playing in the dandelions, and I began to name them. Then, one day, they showed up with ear tips. I wasn’t sure what to think, so I began researching. I learned that TNR was about helping community cats, and I began to find ways to help others in my community. I’m a cat advocate, marketer, and fundraising specialist, and I want to help all outdoor cats find safe indoor homes or have safe outdoor communities.