Whisker Tracker Cat App
The Whisker Tracker cat app is a mobile app for people who take pictures of outdoor cats. You can track your walks and take pics of cats, make cat profiles, and see your cats on a map. Facial recognition will match your pics with any missing cats and alert you.
There are fun challenges so you can level up with badges, receive rewards, and reach the top of the kitty finder leaderboard. Connect with other cat lovers in your community to help us find them all!
The goal of Whisker Tracker is to make it fun to find outdoor cats, help you keep your neighborhood kitties organized, and identify all the stray cats in the world! If we can find them all, we help save them all.
How It Works

Cat picture app – Whisker Tracker is a mobile app for cat lovers, walkers, and kitty photographers. You can take pictures of new cats or upload existing cat pictures. Track your cat sightings on a map, create profiles for them, and leave notes and comments on their cat wall for other Whisker Walkers to see. It’s like social media for outdoor cats!
Walking app – Whisker Tracker is a mobile app for walkers and feline fitness enthusiasts. Track your walks, go further with fitness challenges, and stay mewtivated by finding outdoor cats! How far can you go, and how many cats can you find? Get some exercise and fresh air, and make some new furry friends!
Cat map features – Do you have hundreds of cute cat photos on your phone? So do I! With the Whisker Tracker cat app, you can create profiles for all your furry friends and also see them on a map where you originally identified them. Give them fun names, select important status updates, and leave purrsonal notes and descriptions of your cats. Each cat has a photo gallery and wall where Whisker Walkers can leave notes. It’s a digital community for cats!
Facial recognition for missing pets – It’s estimated that 55% of indoor-only cats will get out and go missing at least once in their lifetime. That means over 9,000 cats are reported missing every day. I found a missing cat once. I was out looking for my own missing cat, and I recognized a photo from Nextdoor of another lost pet. I scooped him up and reunited him with his family! We were lucky that I was looking for lost cats. If I wasn’t, I would have taken a picture like I do with every outdoor cat and moved along with my day. The Whisker Tracker mobile app uses facial recognition software to match your cat pictures with lost pet pictures, so you can find missing pets even when you aren’t looking for them! Simply take a picture using our Cat Scan and you might just save a life.
Badges and level-ups – Do you see cats wherever you go? Are you the ultimate Cat Master? The Whisker Tracker cat app has fun walking and fitness challenges, as well as badges for cat sightings and community sharing. Level up your cat skills and reach the top of the kitty leaderboard! Find them all and become the Whisker Whisperer or the Crazy Cat Lady!
Connect with the cat community and watch the leaderboard – Join the community cat community with Whisker Tracker! The new mobile cat app will help you connect with other cat lovers in your neighborhood or abroad. You’ll be notified when someone takes a picture of your cats, and you can start a conversation. You can also make kitty connections by scanning the leaderboard to expand your network. Whisker Tracker can help connect people with donations and supplies to rescue groups in their area.
Track your cat colonies and share feedback on your cat’s wall – Do you know lots of cats? Like, a lot? With Whisker Tracker, you can manage your colonies by assigning cats to a colony location and tracking their sightings on a map. If fellow Whisker Walkers spot your cat, they can even leave notes on your cat’s wall, creating a conversation for each kitty! Making cat profiles and managing colonies is quick and easy.
Help us find them all! – Our mission is to identify all the stray cats (and dogs) in the world. There are 100 million stray cats in the USA alone, so we estimate there are over 1 billion strays worldwide. With your help, we can find them all! The safety and security of the cats is our top priority. For the privacy of the cats, you’ll only be able to see the cats you’ve found. But you can interact with other Whisker Walkers to join teams! Together, we can have fun finding cats, taking pictures (which we do already), and connecting with each other to save the kitties. If we can find them all, we can better track them and support them.
The Best Mobile App For Cat Owners
With the ability to track your walks for feline fitness, take pictures and create cat profiles, see your cats on a convenient map, and help find missing pets, the Whisker Tracker cat app is surely one of the best apps for cat owners and cat lovers.
Visit whiskerwaze.com for more information and to join the Founders Team to provide feedback directly to the developers.
The Whisker Tracker mobile app is available for download on the Google Play and Apple App Store. Together, we can find and save them all!