Cute tuxedo cat

600+ Black And White Cat Names

Welcoming a new cat into your home is an exciting adventure. One of the first fun steps is choosing the perfect name for your feline friend. Whether your cat’s coat resembles a tuxedo, a cute little panda, or a patchwork quilt, finding a name that matches their unique personality and striking appearance is key. In this fun and helpful article, we’ve compiled a list of 600+ black and white cat names to inspire you. From classic names to quirky and unique options, there’s a name here that’s purrfect for your furry companion.

tuxedo cat Fun Facts

A tuxedo cat is a distinctive type of black and white cat characterized by its sleek, bi-colored coat that often resembles a formal tuxedo. These cats typically have a predominantly black body with white markings on their chest, paws, and sometimes their face, giving them an elegant, dressed-up appearance.

Tuxedo cats are special not only because of their striking and stylish looks but also because of their charming personalities. They are often known for being affectionate, intelligent, and playful, making them a popular pet breed.

Are all black and white cats Tuxedos?

Black and White Cat - Sephiroth
Skeletor Black and White cat
Anastasia Black and White Kitten

Not all black and white cats are considered tuxedos. While tuxedo cats have a specific pattern where the black fur is predominant with white patches typically on the chest, paws, and sometimes the face, black and white cats can come in various other patterns as well. Black and white cat patterns include:

  • Bi-color: A more balanced mix of black and white, with no specific tuxedo-like arrangement.
  • Harlequin: Mostly white with large patches of black.
  • Van: Mostly white with color restricted to the head and tail.
  • Piebald: Irregular patches of black and white in no specific pattern.

Each pattern gives black and white cats a unique look, distinguishing them from the classic tuxedo cat.

Here are 600+ back and white cat names for Oreo cookie kitties!

  1. Adebayo
  2. Adele
  3. Akecheta
  4. Aladdin
  5. Ali
  6. Altar
  7. Amelia
  8. Angel
  9. Anna
  10. Anointed
  11. Apostle
  12. April
  13. Aragorn
  14. Archangel
  15. Arctic
  16. Aretha
  17. Ariel
  18. Arizona
  19. Arwen
  20. Arya
  21. Ascend
  22. Ascension
  23. Ash
  24. Aspen
  25. Aunt Lydia
  26. Aura
  27. Aurora
  28. Awaken
  29. Axl
  30. Ayton
  31. Badger
  32. Bagley
  33. Bailey
  34. Ball
  35. Barb
  36. Barkley
  37. Barnes
  38. Barrett
  39. Bay
  40. Beal
  41. Beckham
  42. Benevolence
  43. Bernard
  44. Beyoncé
  45. Bilbo
  46. Billie
  47. Birch
  48. Bird
  49. Bitsy
  50. Björk
  51. Blessed
  52. Bliss
  53. Blissful
  54. Blizzard
  55. Blossom
  56. Bo Peep
  57. Bogdanovic
  58. Boggle
  59. Bolt
  60. Bond
  61. Bonham
  62. Bono
  63. Boo
  64. Booker
  65. Boots
  66. Borealis
  67. Boromir
  68. Bowie
  69. Brady
  70. Bran
  71. Breeze
  72. Brienne
  73. Brook
  74. Brown
  75. Bruce
  76. Buckingham
  77. Buddha
  78. Butler
  79. Buttons
  80. Buzz
  81. Caleb
  82. Callie
  83. Camo
  84. Canyon
  85. Carl
  86. Cash
  87. Cedar
  88. Celeste
  89. Celestial
  90. Cersei
  91. Chakra
  92. Charcoal
  93. Charity
  94. Charlie
  95. Charlotte
  96. Checkers
  97. Checkmate
  98. Cher
  99. Chess
  100. Chrissie
  101. Cinderella
  102. Clapton
  103. Clementine
  104. Cliff
  105. Cloud
  106. Clover
  107. Coal
  108. Cobain
  109. Commander
  110. Corgan
  111. Cosmic
  112. Cove
  113. Cow
  114. Cristina
  115. Cruella
  116. Crusader
  117. Crush
  118. Cruz
  119. Curry
  120. Daenerys
  121. Daisy
  122. Daltrey
  123. Dapple
  124. Darla
  125. Daryl
  126. Dash
  127. Dave
  128. Davis
  129. Dawn
  130. Debbie
  131. Derek
  132. DeRozan
  133. Desert
  134. Devotion
  135. Dharma
  136. Dice
  137. Dirk
  138. Divine
  139. Divinity
  140. Dolores
  141. Domino
  142. Dominoe
  143. Doncic
  144. Dory
  145. Dottie
  146. Draco
  147. Duncan
  148. Dune
  149. Durant
  150. Dusk
  151. Dustin
  152. Dylan
  153. Eclipse
  154. Edge
  155. Edwards
  156. Effie
  157. Eilish
  158. Eleven
  159. Elinor
  160. Elrond
  161. Elsa
  162. Elton
  163. Elton John
  164. Elvis
  165. Elysium
  166. Embiid
  167. Enlightened
  168. Epiphany
  169. Equinox
  170. Eric
  171. Eruption
  172. Eternal
  173. Eugene
  174. Eve
  175. Everest
  176. Exodus
  177. Faith
  178. Federer
  179. Fergus
  180. Fern
  181. Field
  182. Finnick
  183. Flea
  184. Fleetwood
  185. Fluff
  186. Flynn
  187. Ford
  188. Forest
  189. Fox
  190. Frank
  191. Freckles
  192. Fred
  193. Freddie
  194. Frodo
  195. Frost
  196. Frozone
  197. Fudge
  198. Gaga
  199. Galadriel
  200. Galaxy
  201. Gale
  202. Gandalf
  203. Garnett
  204. Genesis
  205. Genie
  206. George
  207. Geyser
  208. Giannis
  209. Gill
  210. Gilmour
  211. Gimli
  212. Glacier
  213. Glenn
  214. Gobert
  215. Goose
  216. Gothel
  217. Grace
  218. Graham
  219. Granite
  220. Green
  221. Greg
  222. Griffin
  223. Grohl
  224. Grove
  225. Guardian
  226. Gus
  227. Hagrid
  228. Hallelujah
  229. Halo
  230. Hans
  231. Harden
  232. Harmony
  233. Harrison
  234. Harry
  235. Haymitch
  236. Hayward
  237. Heaven
  238. Hector
  239. Hendrix
  240. Hermione
  241. Hermit
  242. Herro
  243. Hershel
  244. Hetfield
  245. Hield
  246. Hill
  247. Hodor
  248. Hope
  249. Hopper
  250. Hunter
  251. Hynde
  252. Ice
  253. Iggy
  254. Illuminate
  255. Infinity
  256. Ingram
  257. Inkblot
  258. Inky
  259. Island
  260. Iverson
  261. Ivy
  262. Izzie
  263. Jackie
  264. Jackson
  265. Jafar
  266. Jagger
  267. Jaime
  268. Janine
  269. Janis
  270. Jasmine
  271. Jessie
  272. Jester
  273. Jeter
  274. Jett
  275. Jim
  276. Jo
  277. Joan
  278. Johnson
  279. Jokic
  280. Joplin
  281. Jorah
  282. Jordan
  283. Joyce
  284. Jumba
  285. June
  286. Jungle
  287. Kareem
  288. Karma
  289. Katniss
  290. Kawhi
  291. Khal
  292. Kidd
  293. Kirk
  294. Klay
  295. Kobe
  296. Kristoff
  297. Kurt
  298. Lagoon
  299. Lake
  300. Lars
  301. Lava
  302. LaVine
  303. LeBron
  304. Legolas
  305. Leia
  306. Lemmy
  307. Lennon
  308. Lenny
  309. Lestrade
  310. Lexie
  311. Licorice
  312. Lightning
  313. Lillard
  314. Lilo
  315. Lily
  316. Lindsey
  317. Lori
  318. Lotso
  319. Lou
  1. Lowry
  2. Lucas
  3. Lucifer
  4. Luke
  5. Lumina
  6. Luna
  7. Madonna
  8. Maeve
  9. Maggie
  10. Magic
  11. Magma
  12. Malone
  13. Manifest
  14. Maple
  15. Marble
  16. Mark
  17. Marley
  18. Marlin
  19. Marsh
  20. Mask
  21. Mason
  22. Mater
  23. Maui
  24. Maverick
  25. Max
  26. McCartney
  27. McCollum
  28. McGrady
  29. McVie
  30. Meadow
  31. Meditate
  32. Mercury
  33. Meredith
  34. Merida
  35. Messi
  36. Messiah
  37. Michonne
  38. Mickey
  39. Midnight
  40. Mike
  41. Mime
  42. Miracle
  43. Misty
  44. Mitchell
  45. Mittens
  46. Moana
  47. Moira
  48. Monochrome
  49. Moo
  50. Moon
  51. Morant
  52. Moriarty
  53. Morpheus
  54. Morrison
  55. Moss
  56. Mottle
  57. Mufasa
  58. Munchkin
  59. Murray
  60. Mycroft
  61. Mystic
  62. Nadal
  63. Nala
  64. Namaste
  65. Nancy
  66. Nash
  67. Naveen
  68. Negan
  69. Nemo
  70. Neo
  71. Nick
  72. Nicks
  73. Night
  74. Nimbus
  75. Nirvana
  76. Nurkic
  77. Oak
  78. Obsidian
  79. Ocean
  80. Olaf
  81. Om
  82. Omnipotent
  83. Onyx
  84. Oracle
  85. Oreo
  86. Oubre
  87. Owen
  88. Ozzy
  89. Page
  90. Panda
  91. Panda Bear
  92. Panda Pup
  93. Paradiso
  94. Pascal
  95. Patch
  96. Patches
  97. Patti
  98. Paul
  99. Paws
  100. Peace
  101. Peaky
  102. Pebbles
  103. Peeta
  104. Penguin
  105. Pepper
  106. Peppy
  107. Petal
  108. Phantom
  109. Phelps
  110. Pica
  111. Piety
  112. Pine
  113. Pink
  114. Pixel
  115. Plant
  116. Pleakley
  117. Polar
  118. Pongo
  119. Poof
  120. Pop
  121. Poppy
  122. Porzingis
  123. Potter
  124. Prairie
  125. Praise
  126. Prayer
  127. Prim
  128. Prince
  129. Prophet
  130. Providence
  131. Pudding
  132. Puddle
  133. Puffin
  134. Pumbaa
  135. Purity
  136. Quartz
  137. Radiance
  138. Rafiki
  139. Rain
  140. Rainforest
  141. Ramsay
  142. Randall
  143. Randle
  144. Range
  145. Rapunzel
  146. Rebirth
  147. Redeem
  148. Redemption
  149. Reed
  150. Reef
  151. Revelation
  152. Reverence
  153. Rex
  154. Rhino
  155. Richard
  156. Rick
  157. Ridge
  158. Rihanna
  159. Ringo
  160. Ripley
  161. Ritual
  162. River
  163. Robin
  164. Rod
  165. Rodman
  166. Ronaldo
  167. Rorschach
  168. Rose
  169. Rozier
  170. Rue
  171. Russell
  172. Ruth
  173. Sable
  174. Sacred
  175. Sage
  176. Salt
  177. Sam
  178. Samwell
  179. Sanctity
  180. Sanctuary
  181. Sansa
  182. Santana
  183. Sasha
  184. Sauron
  185. Savannah
  186. Scar
  187. Scrabble
  188. Sebastian
  189. Seeker
  190. Sentinel
  191. Seraph
  192. Serena
  193. Serenity
  194. Sexton
  195. Shadow
  196. Shady
  197. Shakira
  198. Shaman
  199. Shaq
  200. Sherlock
  201. Sia
  202. Siakam
  203. Sid
  204. Simba
  205. Simmons
  206. Sketch
  207. Skunk
  208. Sky
  209. Slash
  210. Slate
  211. Slinky
  212. Smudge
  213. Snape
  214. Snoopy
  215. Snooze
  216. Snow
  217. Socks
  218. Solace
  219. Solitude
  220. Solstice
  221. Soul
  222. Speckle
  223. Spirit
  224. Splatter
  225. Splotch
  226. Spot
  227. Spots
  228. Springsteen
  229. Sprinkles
  230. Spritz
  231. Star
  232. Stevie
  233. Stewart
  234. Stillness
  235. Sting
  236. Stitch
  237. Stockton
  238. Stone
  239. Storm
  240. Streak
  241. Stubbs
  242. Sulley
  243. Summit
  244. Swamp
  245. Swift
  246. Swirl
  247. Sylvester
  248. Syndrome
  249. Tao
  250. Tara
  251. Tatum
  252. Teddy
  253. Temple
  254. The Edge
  255. Theon
  256. Thom
  257. Thunder
  258. Tiana
  259. Tide
  260. Tiger
  261. Timon
  262. Tinker
  263. Tint
  264. Tippy
  265. Towns
  266. Townshend
  267. Tranquil
  268. Transcend
  269. Trinity
  270. Tundra
  271. Tux
  272. Tuxie
  273. Twilight
  274. Twix
  275. Tyrion
  276. Tyson
  277. Unity
  278. Ursula
  279. Vader
  280. Valley
  281. Venerate
  282. Venus
  283. Vicious
  284. Vince
  285. Violet
  286. Virtue
  287. Virtuous
  288. Volcano
  289. Wade
  290. Waterfall
  291. Waters
  292. Watson
  293. Wave
  294. Weasley
  295. Westbrook
  296. Whiteside
  297. Wholeness
  298. Wiggins
  299. William
  300. Willow
  301. Wilt
  302. Windy
  303. Woods
  304. Woody
  305. Worship
  306. Wright
  307. Yang
  308. Yao
  309. Yin
  310. Yorke
  311. Young
  312. Zappa
  313. Zazu
  314. Zebra
  315. Zen
  316. Zephyr
  317. Ziggy
  318. Zigzag
  319. Zion

Happy Naming!

Choosing the right name for your black and white cat can be a delightful journey into creativity and personal expression. Whether you and your kitty are inspired by nature, spirituality, dapper pop culture icons, or famous athletes, the name you choose reflects not only your cat’s unique appearance but also their place in your heart and home.

We hope the name you choose brings joy as you embark on a lifetime of love and companionship with your beloved kitty!