600+ Black And White Cat Names
Welcoming a new cat into your home is an exciting adventure. One of the first fun steps is choosing the perfect name for your feline friend. Whether your cat’s coat resembles a tuxedo, a cute little panda, or a patchwork quilt, finding a name that matches their unique personality and striking appearance is key. In this fun and helpful article, we’ve compiled a list of 600+ black and white cat names to inspire you. From classic names to quirky and unique options, there’s a name here that’s purrfect for your furry companion.
tuxedo cat Fun Facts
A tuxedo cat is a distinctive type of black and white cat characterized by its sleek, bi-colored coat that often resembles a formal tuxedo. These cats typically have a predominantly black body with white markings on their chest, paws, and sometimes their face, giving them an elegant, dressed-up appearance.
Tuxedo cats are special not only because of their striking and stylish looks but also because of their charming personalities. They are often known for being affectionate, intelligent, and playful, making them a popular pet breed.
Are all black and white cats Tuxedos?

Not all black and white cats are considered tuxedos. While tuxedo cats have a specific pattern where the black fur is predominant with white patches typically on the chest, paws, and sometimes the face, black and white cats can come in various other patterns as well. Black and white cat patterns include:
- Bi-color: A more balanced mix of black and white, with no specific tuxedo-like arrangement.
- Harlequin: Mostly white with large patches of black.
- Van: Mostly white with color restricted to the head and tail.
- Piebald: Irregular patches of black and white in no specific pattern.
Each pattern gives black and white cats a unique look, distinguishing them from the classic tuxedo cat.
Here are 600+ back and white cat names for Oreo cookie kitties!
- Adebayo
- Adele
- Akecheta
- Aladdin
- Ali
- Altar
- Amelia
- Angel
- Anna
- Anointed
- Apostle
- April
- Aragorn
- Archangel
- Arctic
- Aretha
- Ariel
- Arizona
- Arwen
- Arya
- Ascend
- Ascension
- Ash
- Aspen
- Aunt Lydia
- Aura
- Aurora
- Awaken
- Axl
- Ayton
- Badger
- Bagley
- Bailey
- Ball
- Barb
- Barkley
- Barnes
- Barrett
- Bay
- Beal
- Beckham
- Benevolence
- Bernard
- Beyoncé
- Bilbo
- Billie
- Birch
- Bird
- Bitsy
- Björk
- Blessed
- Bliss
- Blissful
- Blizzard
- Blossom
- Bo Peep
- Bogdanovic
- Boggle
- Bolt
- Bond
- Bonham
- Bono
- Boo
- Booker
- Boots
- Borealis
- Boromir
- Bowie
- Brady
- Bran
- Breeze
- Brienne
- Brook
- Brown
- Bruce
- Buckingham
- Buddha
- Butler
- Buttons
- Buzz
- Caleb
- Callie
- Camo
- Canyon
- Carl
- Cash
- Cedar
- Celeste
- Celestial
- Cersei
- Chakra
- Charcoal
- Charity
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Checkers
- Checkmate
- Cher
- Chess
- Chrissie
- Cinderella
- Clapton
- Clementine
- Cliff
- Cloud
- Clover
- Coal
- Cobain
- Commander
- Corgan
- Cosmic
- Cove
- Cow
- Cristina
- Cruella
- Crusader
- Crush
- Cruz
- Curry
- Daenerys
- Daisy
- Daltrey
- Dapple
- Darla
- Daryl
- Dash
- Dave
- Davis
- Dawn
- Debbie
- Derek
- DeRozan
- Desert
- Devotion
- Dharma
- Dice
- Dirk
- Divine
- Divinity
- Dolores
- Domino
- Dominoe
- Doncic
- Dory
- Dottie
- Draco
- Duncan
- Dune
- Durant
- Dusk
- Dustin
- Dylan
- Eclipse
- Edge
- Edwards
- Effie
- Eilish
- Eleven
- Elinor
- Elrond
- Elsa
- Elton
- Elton John
- Elvis
- Elysium
- Embiid
- Enlightened
- Epiphany
- Equinox
- Eric
- Eruption
- Eternal
- Eugene
- Eve
- Everest
- Exodus
- Faith
- Federer
- Fergus
- Fern
- Field
- Finnick
- Flea
- Fleetwood
- Fluff
- Flynn
- Ford
- Forest
- Fox
- Frank
- Freckles
- Fred
- Freddie
- Frodo
- Frost
- Frozone
- Fudge
- Gaga
- Galadriel
- Galaxy
- Gale
- Gandalf
- Garnett
- Genesis
- Genie
- George
- Geyser
- Giannis
- Gill
- Gilmour
- Gimli
- Glacier
- Glenn
- Gobert
- Goose
- Gothel
- Grace
- Graham
- Granite
- Green
- Greg
- Griffin
- Grohl
- Grove
- Guardian
- Gus
- Hagrid
- Hallelujah
- Halo
- Hans
- Harden
- Harmony
- Harrison
- Harry
- Haymitch
- Hayward
- Heaven
- Hector
- Hendrix
- Hermione
- Hermit
- Herro
- Hershel
- Hetfield
- Hield
- Hill
- Hodor
- Hope
- Hopper
- Hunter
- Hynde
- Ice
- Iggy
- Illuminate
- Infinity
- Ingram
- Inkblot
- Inky
- Island
- Iverson
- Ivy
- Izzie
- Jackie
- Jackson
- Jafar
- Jagger
- Jaime
- Janine
- Janis
- Jasmine
- Jessie
- Jester
- Jeter
- Jett
- Jim
- Jo
- Joan
- Johnson
- Jokic
- Joplin
- Jorah
- Jordan
- Joyce
- Jumba
- June
- Jungle
- Kareem
- Karma
- Katniss
- Kawhi
- Khal
- Kidd
- Kirk
- Klay
- Kobe
- Kristoff
- Kurt
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Lars
- Lava
- LaVine
- LeBron
- Legolas
- Leia
- Lemmy
- Lennon
- Lenny
- Lestrade
- Lexie
- Licorice
- Lightning
- Lillard
- Lilo
- Lily
- Lindsey
- Lori
- Lotso
- Lou
- Lowry
- Lucas
- Lucifer
- Luke
- Lumina
- Luna
- Madonna
- Maeve
- Maggie
- Magic
- Magma
- Malone
- Manifest
- Maple
- Marble
- Mark
- Marley
- Marlin
- Marsh
- Mask
- Mason
- Mater
- Maui
- Maverick
- Max
- McCartney
- McCollum
- McGrady
- McVie
- Meadow
- Meditate
- Mercury
- Meredith
- Merida
- Messi
- Messiah
- Michonne
- Mickey
- Midnight
- Mike
- Mime
- Miracle
- Misty
- Mitchell
- Mittens
- Moana
- Moira
- Monochrome
- Moo
- Moon
- Morant
- Moriarty
- Morpheus
- Morrison
- Moss
- Mottle
- Mufasa
- Munchkin
- Murray
- Mycroft
- Mystic
- Nadal
- Nala
- Namaste
- Nancy
- Nash
- Naveen
- Negan
- Nemo
- Neo
- Nick
- Nicks
- Night
- Nimbus
- Nirvana
- Nurkic
- Oak
- Obsidian
- Ocean
- Olaf
- Om
- Omnipotent
- Onyx
- Oracle
- Oreo
- Oubre
- Owen
- Ozzy
- Page
- Panda
- Panda Bear
- Panda Pup
- Paradiso
- Pascal
- Patch
- Patches
- Patti
- Paul
- Paws
- Peace
- Peaky
- Pebbles
- Peeta
- Penguin
- Pepper
- Peppy
- Petal
- Phantom
- Phelps
- Pica
- Piety
- Pine
- Pink
- Pixel
- Plant
- Pleakley
- Polar
- Pongo
- Poof
- Pop
- Poppy
- Porzingis
- Potter
- Prairie
- Praise
- Prayer
- Prim
- Prince
- Prophet
- Providence
- Pudding
- Puddle
- Puffin
- Pumbaa
- Purity
- Quartz
- Radiance
- Rafiki
- Rain
- Rainforest
- Ramsay
- Randall
- Randle
- Range
- Rapunzel
- Rebirth
- Redeem
- Redemption
- Reed
- Reef
- Revelation
- Reverence
- Rex
- Rhino
- Richard
- Rick
- Ridge
- Rihanna
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Ritual
- River
- Robin
- Rod
- Rodman
- Ronaldo
- Rorschach
- Rose
- Rozier
- Rue
- Russell
- Ruth
- Sable
- Sacred
- Sage
- Salt
- Sam
- Samwell
- Sanctity
- Sanctuary
- Sansa
- Santana
- Sasha
- Sauron
- Savannah
- Scar
- Scrabble
- Sebastian
- Seeker
- Sentinel
- Seraph
- Serena
- Serenity
- Sexton
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shakira
- Shaman
- Shaq
- Sherlock
- Sia
- Siakam
- Sid
- Simba
- Simmons
- Sketch
- Skunk
- Sky
- Slash
- Slate
- Slinky
- Smudge
- Snape
- Snoopy
- Snooze
- Snow
- Socks
- Solace
- Solitude
- Solstice
- Soul
- Speckle
- Spirit
- Splatter
- Splotch
- Spot
- Spots
- Springsteen
- Sprinkles
- Spritz
- Star
- Stevie
- Stewart
- Stillness
- Sting
- Stitch
- Stockton
- Stone
- Storm
- Streak
- Stubbs
- Sulley
- Summit
- Swamp
- Swift
- Swirl
- Sylvester
- Syndrome
- Tao
- Tara
- Tatum
- Teddy
- Temple
- The Edge
- Theon
- Thom
- Thunder
- Tiana
- Tide
- Tiger
- Timon
- Tinker
- Tint
- Tippy
- Towns
- Townshend
- Tranquil
- Transcend
- Trinity
- Tundra
- Tux
- Tuxie
- Twilight
- Twix
- Tyrion
- Tyson
- Unity
- Ursula
- Vader
- Valley
- Venerate
- Venus
- Vicious
- Vince
- Violet
- Virtue
- Virtuous
- Volcano
- Wade
- Waterfall
- Waters
- Watson
- Wave
- Weasley
- Westbrook
- Whiteside
- Wholeness
- Wiggins
- William
- Willow
- Wilt
- Windy
- Woods
- Woody
- Worship
- Wright
- Yang
- Yao
- Yin
- Yorke
- Young
- Zappa
- Zazu
- Zebra
- Zen
- Zephyr
- Ziggy
- Zigzag
- Zion
Happy Naming!
Choosing the right name for your black and white cat can be a delightful journey into creativity and personal expression. Whether you and your kitty are inspired by nature, spirituality, dapper pop culture icons, or famous athletes, the name you choose reflects not only your cat’s unique appearance but also their place in your heart and home.
We hope the name you choose brings joy as you embark on a lifetime of love and companionship with your beloved kitty!