Cute cat and human

What To Know About Fostering Cats

Fostering cats is a noble quest for any cat or animal lover. Many cat lovers become cat fosters through relationships with their local shelters or rescue groups. Being an animal lover and having space in your home is a great start to considering fostering, but here are a few other things you should know about fostering cats. 

• Ensure your current cats are up to date on their healthcare – before you bring in any fosters, ensure the cats in your home are up to date on their vaccinations.

• Understand what the rescuer expects because they are all different. While some pay for medical care and food, others only cater to vetting. Getting such details can help you understand the entire fostering process.

• Know your limits and express your concerns – if you do not want bottle-fed kittens, you should let the rescue group know. Giving the kittens or cats the best foster home is the primary objective.

How to gain trust with a foster cat

When you foster a cat, the first challenge is to gain its trust. Remember, most rescues are anxious and stressed at the time, making it hard to gain their affection. 

First, create a safe place to make your cat comfortable and feel safe. Cats love to hide to help them feel safe, so be sure their room has safe hiding places like boxes, cat beds, and forts. Some cats prefer to stay in their carrier to until they feel comfortable enough to come out. Be patient and let the cat acclimate at their own pace. 

Appealing to the cat’s appetite can also help. Typically, cats are interested in becoming friends with people who feed them. Try setting up a routine for your cat and stick to it to gain their trust. In a short time, the feeding routine will become the best part of their day!

Cats can sense the emotion in the room, so remember to always stay calm and use positive reinforcement to encourage correct behavior.

Here are a few of our favorite cat snacks and stress relief products to help you bond.

How to make a foster cat happy

Making a cat you don’t know yet happy might be challenging. However, here are some general tips that might prove helpful. 

  • Provide hiding spots and scratching posts for your cat
  • Use positive reinforcement (and treats) to encourage the correct behavior
  • Use stress relievers like Feliway or organic hemp oil
  • Have a sunny space for your cat to shine
  • Include heights for your cat to get vertical
  • Keep the litter box and bedding clean
  • Try adding cat-safe plants like wheat grass or catnip to the equation!
Happy foster cat

How to foster multiple cats

If you are considering fostering multiple cats, ensure you have ample space for each cat to feel comfortable. Multiple cats need a lot of space to roam, play, rest, and feed. It is also essential for foster parents to be able to provide for the cats in every aspect, ranging from food to medical care. Foster parents should understand that nursing mothers, kittens, and adults have different needs.

How to foster a cat with special needs

Fostering a cat with special needs is challenging but extremely important and rewarding. Cats with special needs are usually overlooked during the adoption process. However, if you are passionate about animals and are able to handle the extra responsibilities, fostering a special needs cat is one of the noblest things you can do as a cat lover.

Cat with special needs may have physical or mental limitations. Some suffer from emotional needs after surviving traumatic and abusive environments. 

It is crucial to be patient because rescue cats take time to adjust and trust people trying to help them. You can easily establish a rapport with the cat and eventually a long-lasting relationship with time. Finally, researching online or seeking help from an expert can help you become a better foster.

If you want to foster a special needs cat, take time to evaluate its environmental requirements, emotional needs, and commitment to the animal.