250+ Orange Cat Names
Did you know that most orange cats are males? It’s a fascinating fact that adds an extra layer of intrigue to these already captivating kitties. Let’s dive into the world of orange cats, exploring their unique personalities and characteristics to help you find the perfect name. As cat rescue experts who name hundreds of cats each year, here are some of our favorite orange cat names from kitties we know.
Whether you’re a proud owner of an orange furball or simply enamored by its fiery charm, here are 250+ delightful orange cat names sure to inspire and entertain.
- Achilles
- Amaretto
- Amber
- Apollo
- Apricot
- Aslan
- Atlas
- Bagheera
- Bear
- Binx
- Blade
- Blaze
- Bob
- Boots
- Bruiser
- Butch
- Butternut
- Butterscotch
- Caesar
- Cantaloupe
- Captain Fluffernugget
- Captain Meowington
- Caramel
- Carrot
- Charlie
- Cheddar
- Cheese Puff
- Cheeto
- Cheetos
- Cheshire
- Chester
- Cinnamon
- Clement
- Clementine
- Colonel Meow
- Creamsicle
- Crook
- Crookshanks
- Crush
- Dandelion
- Diesel
- Dorito
- Duke
- Ember
- Falcon
- Fanta
- Felix
- Figaro
- Firecracker
- Flame
- Fluffernutter
- Fluffy
- Furrball
- Furry McMuffin
- Furrybottom
- Furryfizzle
- Furryflops
- Fuzzbert
- Fuzzbucket
- Fuzzmuffin
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Fuzzyface
- Fuzzykins
- Fuzzytoes
- Fuzzywig
- Fuzzywumpkins
- Garfield
- Ginger
- Ginger Ale
- Ginger Ninja
- Ginger Rogers
- Ginger Snap
- Ginger Spice
- Ginger Zest
- Gingerbread
- Gizmo
- Gladiator
- Goldfish
- Goldie
- Goliath
- Grumpy Cat
- Gunner
- Heathcliff
- Hercules
- Hobbes
- Honey
- Hunter
- Jaffa
- Jagger
- Jasper
- Jaws
- Julius
- Keyboard Cat
- King
- Knight
- Kumquat
- Leo
- Lil Bub
- Lucifer
- Magnum
- Major
- Mango
- Marigold
- Marmalade
- Maru
- Marzipan
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximus
- Milo
- Mittens
- Mowgli
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Mr. Biscuit
- Mr. Cuddlebug
- Mr. Cuddlepaws
- Mr. Fluffypants
- Mr. Fluffytail
- Mr. Fuzzypants
- Mr. Fuzzywhiskers
- Mr. Fuzzywiggle
- Mr. Purrfect
- Mr. Purrington
- Mr. Snugglebuddy
- Mr. Snugglebug
- Mr. Snuggleface
- Mr. Snugglekins
- Mr. Whiskerface
- Mufasa
- Muffin
- Nacho
- Nala
- Nectarine
- Odin
- Oliver
- Orange Juice
- Orange Julius
- Orange Soda
- Oreo
- Orion
- Oscar
- Papaya
- Paws
- Peach
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Penny
- Persimmon
- Phoenix
- Poppy
- Professor Purrpants
- Pumpkin
- Purrlock
- Puss
- Puss in Boots
- Raj
- Rajah
- Rambo
- Ranger
- Reese’s Pieces
- Rex
- Rocky
- Rusty
- Saffron
- Salem
- Sammy
- Samson
- Shadow
- Shere Khan
- Simba
- Simmer
- Simon
- Sir Floofykins
- Sir Fluffalot
- Sir Fluffykins
- Sir Fuzzball
- Sir Fuzzington
- Sir Fuzzmeister
- Sir Fuzzybottom
- Sir Fuzzywump
- Sir Pounce-a-Lot
- Sir Purr-a-Doodle
- Sir Purr-a-licious
- Sir Purr-a-Lot
- Sir Purrberry
- Sir Purrington
- Sir Purrington III
- Sir Scratchalot
- Sir Snaggletooth
- Sir Snugglebuns
- Sir Snuggleplump
- Sir Snugglepuss
- Sir Snugglesnoot
- Sir Snugglesworth
- Sir Snugglewump
- Sir Snuggly
- Slinky
- Smokey
- Snugglebug
- Socks
- Spartacus
- Spartan
- Squash
- Sunkist
- Sunny
- Sunset
- Sweet Potato
- Sylvester
- Tabby
- Tang
- Tangerine
- Tank
- Tawny
- Thor
- Thunder
- Tiger
- Tigerlily
- Tigger
- Titan
- Toby
- Tom
- Waffles
- Whiskerfizzle
- Whiskerflap
- Whiskerflibber
- Whiskerflop
- Whiskerfluff
- Whiskerflump
- Whiskerfritz
- Whiskerfuzz
- Whiskerino
- Whiskers
- Whiskerwhirl
- Whiskerwig
- Whiskerwiggle
- Whiskerwobble
- Whiskerwump
- Zeus
- Axel
- Spike
- Jax
- Brutus
- Colt
- Fang
- Tyson
- Ace
- Bandit
- Knox
- Hulk
- Kodiak
- Dagger
- Chief
- Cain
- Bullet
- Viper
- Rocco
- Reaper
- Raptor
- Havoc
Orange cats bring joy and warmth to our lives with their unique personalities and striking appearance. Whether you’ve found the perfect name for your feline friend or simply enjoyed exploring the endless possibilities, we hope this list has sparked your imagination and brought a smile to your face. No matter what name you choose, the bond you share with your kitty is what truly matters. Here’s to many more delightful moments with your beloved furry companion!