Cute Orange Cat Playing In Grass

250+ Orange Cat Names

Did you know that most orange cats are males? It’s a fascinating fact that adds an extra layer of intrigue to these already captivating kitties. Let’s dive into the world of orange cats, exploring their unique personalities and characteristics to help you find the perfect name. As cat rescue experts who name hundreds of cats each year, here are some of our favorite orange cat names from kitties we know.

Whether you’re a proud owner of an orange furball or simply enamored by its fiery charm, here are 250+ delightful orange cat names sure to inspire and entertain.

  1. Achilles
  2. Amaretto
  3. Amber
  4. Apollo
  5. Apricot
  6. Aslan
  7. Atlas
  8. Bagheera
  9. Bear
  10. Binx
  11. Blade
  12. Blaze
  13. Bob
  14. Boots
  15. Bruiser
  16. Butch
  17. Butternut
  18. Butterscotch
  19. Caesar
  20. Cantaloupe
  21. Captain Fluffernugget
  22. Captain Meowington
  23. Caramel
  24. Carrot
  25. Charlie
  26. Cheddar
  27. Cheese Puff
  28. Cheeto
  29. Cheetos
  30. Cheshire
  31. Chester
  32. Cinnamon
  33. Clement
  34. Clementine
  35. Colonel Meow
  36. Creamsicle
  37. Crook
  38. Crookshanks
  39. Crush
  40. Dandelion
  41. Diesel
  42. Dorito
  43. Duke
  44. Ember
  45. Falcon
  46. Fanta
  47. Felix
  48. Figaro
  49. Firecracker
  50. Flame
  51. Fluffernutter
  52. Fluffy
  53. Furrball
  54. Furry McMuffin
  55. Furrybottom
  56. Furryfizzle
  57. Furryflops
  58. Fuzzbert
  59. Fuzzbucket
  60. Fuzzmuffin
  61. Fuzzy Wuzzy
  62. Fuzzyface
  63. Fuzzykins
  64. Fuzzytoes
  65. Fuzzywig
  66. Fuzzywumpkins
  67. Garfield
  68. Ginger
  69. Ginger Ale
  70. Ginger Ninja
  71. Ginger Rogers
  72. Ginger Snap
  73. Ginger Spice
  74. Ginger Zest
  75. Gingerbread
  76. Gizmo
  77. Gladiator
  78. Goldfish
  79. Goldie
  80. Goliath
  81. Grumpy Cat
  82. Gunner
  83. Heathcliff
  84. Hercules
  85. Hobbes
  86. Honey
  87. Hunter
  88. Jaffa
  89. Jagger
  90. Jasper
  91. Jaws
  92. Julius
  93. Keyboard Cat
  94. King
  95. Knight
  96. Kumquat
  97. Leo
  98. Lil Bub
  99. Lucifer
  100. Magnum
  101. Major
  102. Mango
  103. Marigold
  104. Marmalade
  105. Maru
  106. Marzipan
  107. Maverick
  108. Max
  109. Maximus
  110. Milo
  111. Mittens
  112. Mowgli
  113. Mr. Bigglesworth
  114. Mr. Biscuit
  115. Mr. Cuddlebug
  116. Mr. Cuddlepaws
  117. Mr. Fluffypants
  118. Mr. Fluffytail
  119. Mr. Fuzzypants
  120. Mr. Fuzzywhiskers
  121. Mr. Fuzzywiggle
  122. Mr. Purrfect
  123. Mr. Purrington
  124. Mr. Snugglebuddy
  125. Mr. Snugglebug
  126. Mr. Snuggleface
  127. Mr. Snugglekins
  128. Mr. Whiskerface
  129. Mufasa
  130. Muffin
  1. Nacho
  2. Nala
  3. Nectarine
  4. Odin
  5. Oliver
  6. Orange Juice
  7. Orange Julius
  8. Orange Soda
  9. Oreo
  10. Orion
  11. Oscar
  12. Papaya
  13. Paws
  14. Peach
  15. Peaches
  16. Peanut
  17. Penny
  18. Persimmon
  19. Phoenix
  20. Poppy
  21. Professor Purrpants
  22. Pumpkin
  23. Purrlock
  24. Puss
  25. Puss in Boots
  26. Raj
  27. Rajah
  28. Rambo
  29. Ranger
  30. Reese’s Pieces
  31. Rex
  32. Rocky
  33. Rusty
  34. Saffron
  35. Salem
  36. Sammy
  37. Samson
  38. Shadow
  39. Shere Khan
  40. Simba
  41. Simmer
  42. Simon
  43. Sir Floofykins
  44. Sir Fluffalot
  45. Sir Fluffykins
  46. Sir Fuzzball
  47. Sir Fuzzington
  48. Sir Fuzzmeister
  49. Sir Fuzzybottom
  50. Sir Fuzzywump
  51. Sir Pounce-a-Lot
  52. Sir Purr-a-Doodle
  53. Sir Purr-a-licious
  54. Sir Purr-a-Lot
  55. Sir Purrberry
  56. Sir Purrington
  57. Sir Purrington III
  58. Sir Scratchalot
  59. Sir Snaggletooth
  60. Sir Snugglebuns
  61. Sir Snuggleplump
  62. Sir Snugglepuss
  63. Sir Snugglesnoot
  64. Sir Snugglesworth
  65. Sir Snugglewump
  66. Sir Snuggly
  67. Slinky
  68. Smokey
  69. Snugglebug
  70. Socks
  71. Spartacus
  72. Spartan
  73. Squash
  74. Sunkist
  75. Sunny
  76. Sunset
  77. Sweet Potato
  78. Sylvester
  79. Tabby
  80. Tang
  81. Tangerine
  82. Tank
  83. Tawny
  84. Thor
  85. Thunder
  86. Tiger
  87. Tigerlily
  88. Tigger
  89. Titan
  90. Toby
  91. Tom
  92. Waffles
  93. Whiskerfizzle
  94. Whiskerflap
  95. Whiskerflibber
  96. Whiskerflop
  97. Whiskerfluff
  98. Whiskerflump
  99. Whiskerfritz
  100. Whiskerfuzz
  101. Whiskerino
  102. Whiskers
  103. Whiskerwhirl
  104. Whiskerwig
  105. Whiskerwiggle
  106. Whiskerwobble
  107. Whiskerwump
  108. Zeus
  109. Axel
  110. Spike
  111. Jax
  112. Brutus
  113. Colt
  114. Fang
  115. Tyson
  116. Ace
  117. Bandit
  118. Knox
  119. Hulk
  120. Kodiak
  121. Dagger
  122. Chief
  123. Cain
  124. Bullet
  125. Viper
  126. Rocco
  127. Reaper
  128. Raptor
  129. Havoc

Orange cats bring joy and warmth to our lives with their unique personalities and striking appearance. Whether you’ve found the perfect name for your feline friend or simply enjoyed exploring the endless possibilities, we hope this list has sparked your imagination and brought a smile to your face. No matter what name you choose, the bond you share with your kitty is what truly matters. Here’s to many more delightful moments with your beloved furry companion!