300+ Cool Cat Names for Cool Cats
Welcoming a new furry friend into your home is an exciting adventure filled with joy, cuddles, and, undoubtedly, the search for the perfect name! Whether you’ve adopted a playful kitten or a sophisticated senior cat, choosing a cool cat name that reflects their personality and charm is essential. But with so many naming options out there, from classic names to trendy pop-culture references, finding the best cat name can feel like a hard decision.
We’ve curated a list of 300+ cool cat names to help inspire you in finding that purr-fect name for your beloved kitty cat. Whether you’re drawn to names inspired by famous celebrities and iconic characters or simply want something unique and stylish, we’ve got you covered!

Here are 317 cool names for your cool cat!
Cool Male Cat Names
- Ace
- Aerosmith
- Ali
- Apollo
- Archer
- Arctic
- Ash
- Atlas
- Axel
- Bandit
- Beckham
- Bieber
- Black Sabbath
- Blaze
- Blink
- Bolt
- Bon Jovi
- Bono
- Bowie
- Brady
- Brody
- Bruno
- Cash
- Chance
- Chili Peppers
- Cobain
- Coldplay
- Colt
- Cooper
- Cosmo
- Cruz
- Cudi
- Curry
- Dante
- Dash
- Diesel
- Djokovic
- Drake
- Duke
- Durant
- Dylan
- Elton
- Elvis
- Eminem
- Enzo
- Federer
- Felix
- Finn
- Foo Fighters
- Gizmo
- Green Day
- Gronk
- Gunner
- Guns
- Harden
- Harley
- Hendrix
- Hugo
- Hunter
- Iggy
- Indie
- J.Cole
- Jagger
- Jasper
- Jax
- Jaxon
- Jay-Z
- Jayden
- Jett
- Joey
- Jordan
- Kai
- Kane
- Kanye
- Kendrick
- Knox
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kravitz
- LeBron
- Led Zeppelin
- Lennon
- Lenny
- Leo
- Loki
- Ludacris
- Ludicrous
- Macklemore
- Marley
- Maverick
- Max
- McGregor
- Mercury
- Messi
- Metallica
- Milo
- Monkeys
- Monty
- Murphy
- Muse
- Nadal
- Nas
- Neo
- Neymar
- Nirvana
- Ollie
- Orion
- Oscar
- Otis
- Outkast
- Ozzy
- Pearl Jam
- Percy
- Pharrell
- Phelps
- Phoenix
- Presley
- Prince
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Red Hot
- Reggie
- Remy
- Rex
- Riley
- Rocco
- Rocket
- Rocky
- Rolling Stones
- Ronaldo
- Roscoe
- Rudy
- Rusty
- Ryder
- Sammy
- Scout
- Shadow
- Shaq
- Simba
- Sinatra
- Slash
- Smokey
- Snoop
- Spike
- Sting
- Storm
- Taz
- Teddy
- Theo
- Thor
- Tiger
- Timberlake
- Titan
- Toby
- Trout
- Tucker
- Tupac
- Tyson
- U2
- Usher
- Winston
- Zeus
- Ziggy
Cool Female Cat Names
- Abby
- Adele
- Allyson
- Anastasia
- Andromeda
- Angelina
- Anubis
- Aphrodite
- Ariana
- Ariel
- Artemis
- Artemisia
- Arwen
- Arya
- Athena
- Bastet
- Belle
- Beyoncé
- Billie
- Black Widow
- Brigid
- Buffy
- Calliope
- Callisto
- Calypso
- Cardi
- Carli
- Cassandra
- Cassiopeia
- Cate
- Ceres
- Charlize
- Cinderella
- Circe
- Cleo (for Cleopatra)
- Clio
- Coco
- Daenerys
- Danica
- Demeter
- Demi
- Diana
- Domino
- Echo
- Electra
- Eleven
- Elle
- Emma
- Eowyn
- Erato
- Eris
- Euterpe
- Fiona
- Freya
- Frigg
- Gabby
- Gaga
- Gaia
- Gal
- Galadriel
- Galatea
- Gamora
- Halle
- Harley
- Hela
- Hera
- Hermione
- Hestia
- Hope
- Hypatia
- Isis
- Jasmine
- Jennifer
- Jessica
- JLo
- Julia
- Juno
- Kate
- Katniss
- Kerri
- Khaleesi
- Kiara
- Lara
- Leia
- Lindsey
- Luna
- Lupita
- Lyra
- Madonna
- Magik
- Medusa
- Megan
- Melpomene
- Merida
- Meryl
- Mia
- Misty
- Moana
- Morrigan
- Mulan
- Mystique
- Nala
- Naomi
- Natalie
- Nebula
- Nicole
- Nyx
- Octavia
- Odette
- Ophelia
- Oprah
- Pandora
- Persephone
- Phoenix
- Pocahontas
- Polyhymnia
- Psyche
- Rachel
- Rapunzel
- Reese
- Rey
- Rhea
- Rihanna
- Ripley
- Rogue
- Ronda
- Sandra
- Sarabi
- Scarlett
- Selena
- Selene
- Seraphina
- Serena
- Shakira
- Sif
- Simone
- Snow White
- Storm
- Tauriel
- Taylor
- Terpsichore
- Thalia
- Thetis
- Tiana
- Trinity
- Urania
- Valkyrie
- Venus
- Vesta
- Viola
- Wonder Woman
- Xanthe
- Xena
- Zendaya
We hope you found inspiration from these cool names for cats! Here’s to many years of adventures, snuggles, and memorable moments with your coolly-named feline friend. May your days be filled with purrs, whisker kisses, and endless cattitude!