250+ Tabby Cat Names
Tabby cats, with their distinctive striped or marbled coats and endearing personalities, have long been cherished companions in households around the world. Whether they’re lounging in a sunny spot by the window or engaging in playful antics, tabbies bring a special charm to any home. As beloved members of the family, these furry friends deserve names that reflect their unique traits and characteristics. In this guide, we’ll explore the best tabby cat names inspired by their personalities, behaviors, and fascinating stats about these delightful felines.
Whether you have a curious and adventurous tabby or a laid-back and affectionate one, there’s a name on this list that’s sure to capture your cat’s essence. Here are the best names for your tabby kitty!
- Abby
- Acorn
- Adventure
- Aero
- Almond
- Amber
- Angel
- Apricot
- Artemis
- Aslan
- Atlas
- Azrael
- Bagheera
- Bella
- Benny
- Berlioz
- Binx
- Biscotti
- Biscuit
- Blaze
- Blitz
- Bolt
- Bongo
- Boomer
- Boomerang
- Boots
- Brandy
- Bubbles
- Buff
- Butternut
- Butterscotch
- Callie
- Caramel
- Catbert
- Champagne
- Charlie
- ChatGPT
- Cheshire
- Chester
- Chestnut
- Chloe
- Cider
- Cinnamon
- Cleo
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Cooper
- Copper
- Cream
- Crookshanks
- Daisy
- Dash
- Dijon
- Dinah
- Dizzy
- Doodle
- Duchess
- Eclipse
- Eek
- Ember
- Enigma
- Explorer
- Fawn
- Felix
- Fiddlesticks
- Fidget
- Figaro
- Flapjack
- Flash
- Flaxen
- Frankie
- Fudge
- Fuzzball
- Garfield
- Ghost
- Giggles
- Ginger
- Gingerbread
- Gizmo
- Goldie
- Goober
- Grace
- Gracie
- Grumpy Cat
- Gus
- Harley
- Hazelnut
- Henna
- Hickory
- Hobbes
- Honey
- Hunter
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jasper
- Jello
- Jet
- Jiggles
- Jitters
- Journey
- Kiki
- Kyo
- Leo
- Lily
- Lucifer
- Lucy
- Luna
- Maggie
- Mahogany
- Maisy
- Maple
- Marie
- Marigold
- Marley
- Marmalade
- Marzipan
- Maverick
- Max
- Meowth
- Merlin
- Mia
- Midnight
- Millie
- Milo
- Misty
- Mittens
- Mocha
- Molly
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Mr. Tinkles
- Mr. Whiskers
- Mufasa
- Muffin
- Mustard
- Mystic
- Mystique
- Nala
- Nebula
- Nermal
- Nibbles
- Noir
- Noodle
- Nutmeg
- Obsidian
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Oracle
- Oscar
- Pandora
- Papaya
- Paprika
- Patches
- Paws
- Peach
- Peaches
- Pecan
- Penny
- Pepper
- Phantom
- Pickles
- Pookie
- Pudding
- Puddles
- Pumpkin
- Puss in Boots
- Pussycat
- Raja
- Rajah
- Ranger
- Raven
- Roamer
- Rocky
- Rosie
- Russet
- Rust
- Rustic
- Rusty
- Sable
- Sadie
- Saffron
- Salem
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Sandstone
- Sandy
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Scat Cat
- Scooter
- Scout
- Sergeant Tibbs
- Shadow
- Shere Khan
- Si
- Sienna
- Simba
- Skimbleshanks
- Slinky
- Snarf
- Snickerdoodle
- Snickers
- Sniffles
- Snowball
- Snowbell
- Snugglebug
- Socks
- Sophie
- Sorrel
- Speedy
- Spice
- Spot
- Sprinkles
- Sprint
- Spunky
- Squiggles
- Storm
- Summit
- Sunflower
- Sunset
- Sylvester
- Tabasco
- Tangerine
- Tater Tot
- Tawny
- Teddy
- Thunder
- Tiger
- Tigger
- Tinkerbell
- Toby
- Toffee
- Tom
- Topaz
- Toulouse
- Trek
- Twinkie
- Umber
- Vega
- Waffles
- Walnut
- Wheat
- Whiskers
- Whiskerz
- Wigglebutt
- Wiggles
- Willow
- Winston
- You
- Yzma
- Ziggy
- Zoey
- Zoom
Finding the perfect name for your tabby is an exciting and meaningful journey. Whether you’re drawn to names that reflect their coat colors and patterns, their playful and goofy personalities, their adventurous spirit, or their mysterious allure, there’s a name out there that’s just right for your little monster.
Embrace the journey of naming your furry friend, and cherish every moment you spend together. After all, a tabby cat by any name will always be a cherished member of the family, bringing warmth and happiness to your home for years to come.