Two Cool Cats

300+ Cool Cat Names for Cool Cats

Welcoming a new furry friend into your home is an exciting adventure filled with joy, cuddles, and, undoubtedly, the search for the perfect name! Whether you’ve adopted a playful kitten or a sophisticated senior cat, choosing a cool cat name that reflects their personality and charm is essential. But with so many naming options out there, from classic names to trendy pop-culture references, finding the best cat name can feel like a hard decision. 

We’ve curated a list of 300+ cool cat names to help inspire you in finding that purr-fect name for your beloved kitty cat. Whether you’re drawn to names inspired by famous celebrities and iconic characters or simply want something unique and stylish, we’ve got you covered!

Cool Fat Cat at The Beach
Two Cool Street Cats
Classy Cool Cats

Here are 317 cool names for your cool cat!

Cool Male Cat Names

  1. Ace
  2. Aerosmith
  3. Ali
  4. Apollo
  5. Archer
  6. Arctic
  7. Ash
  8. Atlas
  9. Axel
  10. Bandit
  11. Beckham
  12. Bieber
  13. Black Sabbath
  14. Blaze
  15. Blink
  16. Bolt
  17. Bon Jovi
  18. Bono
  19. Bowie
  20. Brady
  21. Brody
  22. Bruno
  23. Cash
  24. Chance
  25. Chili Peppers
  26. Cobain
  27. Coldplay
  28. Colt
  29. Cooper
  30. Cosmo
  31. Cruz
  32. Cudi
  33. Curry
  34. Dante
  35. Dash
  36. Diesel
  37. Djokovic
  38. Drake
  39. Duke
  40. Durant
  41. Dylan
  42. Elton
  43. Elvis
  44. Eminem
  45. Enzo
  46. Federer
  47. Felix
  48. Finn
  49. Foo Fighters
  50. Gizmo
  51. Green Day
  52. Gronk
  53. Gunner
  54. Guns
  55. Harden
  56. Harley
  57. Hendrix
  58. Hugo
  59. Hunter
  60. Iggy
  61. Indie
  62. J.Cole
  63. Jagger
  64. Jasper
  65. Jax
  66. Jaxon
  67. Jay-Z
  68. Jayden
  69. Jett
  70. Joey
  71. Jordan
  72. Kai
  73. Kane
  74. Kanye
  75. Kendrick
  76. Knox
  77. Kobe
  78. Koda
  79. Kravitz
  80. LeBron
  81. Led Zeppelin
  1. Lennon
  2. Lenny
  3. Leo
  4. Loki
  5. Ludacris
  6. Ludicrous
  7. Macklemore
  8. Marley
  9. Maverick
  10. Max
  11. McGregor
  12. Mercury
  13. Messi
  14. Metallica
  15. Milo
  16. Monkeys
  17. Monty
  18. Murphy
  19. Muse
  20. Nadal
  21. Nas
  22. Neo
  23. Neymar
  24. Nirvana
  25. Ollie
  26. Orion
  27. Oscar
  28. Otis
  29. Outkast
  30. Ozzy
  31. Pearl Jam
  32. Percy
  33. Pharrell
  34. Phelps
  35. Phoenix
  36. Presley
  37. Prince
  38. Queen
  39. Radiohead
  40. Red Hot
  41. Reggie
  42. Remy
  43. Rex
  44. Riley
  45. Rocco
  46. Rocket
  47. Rocky
  48. Rolling Stones
  49. Ronaldo
  50. Roscoe
  51. Rudy
  52. Rusty
  53. Ryder
  54. Sammy
  55. Scout
  56. Shadow
  57. Shaq
  58. Simba
  59. Sinatra
  60. Slash
  61. Smokey
  62. Snoop
  63. Spike
  64. Sting
  65. Storm
  66. Taz
  67. Teddy
  68. Theo
  69. Thor
  70. Tiger
  71. Timberlake
  72. Titan
  73. Toby
  74. Trout
  75. Tucker
  76. Tupac
  77. Tyson
  78. U2
  79. Usher
  80. Winston
  81. Zeus
  82. Ziggy

Cool Female Cat Names

  1. Abby
  2. Adele
  3. Allyson
  4. Anastasia
  5. Andromeda
  6. Angelina
  7. Anubis
  8. Aphrodite
  9. Ariana
  10. Ariel
  11. Artemis
  12. Artemisia
  13. Arwen
  14. Arya
  15. Athena
  16. Bastet
  17. Belle
  18. Beyoncé
  19. Billie
  20. Black Widow
  21. Brigid
  22. Buffy
  23. Calliope
  24. Callisto
  25. Calypso
  26. Cardi
  27. Carli
  28. Cassandra
  29. Cassiopeia
  30. Cate
  31. Ceres
  32. Charlize
  33. Cinderella
  34. Circe
  35. Cleo (for Cleopatra)
  36. Clio
  37. Coco
  38. Daenerys
  39. Danica
  40. Demeter
  41. Demi
  42. Diana
  43. Domino
  44. Echo
  45. Electra
  46. Eleven
  47. Elle
  48. Emma
  49. Eowyn
  50. Erato
  51. Eris
  52. Euterpe
  53. Fiona
  54. Freya
  55. Frigg
  56. Gabby
  57. Gaga
  58. Gaia
  59. Gal
  60. Galadriel
  61. Galatea
  62. Gamora
  63. Halle
  64. Harley
  65. Hela
  66. Hera
  67. Hermione
  68. Hestia
  69. Hope
  70. Hypatia
  71. Isis
  72. Jasmine
  73. Jennifer
  74. Jessica
  75. JLo
  76. Julia
  77. Juno
  1. Kate
  2. Katniss
  3. Kerri
  4. Khaleesi
  5. Kiara
  6. Lara
  7. Leia
  8. Lindsey
  9. Luna
  10. Lupita
  11. Lyra
  12. Madonna
  13. Magik
  14. Medusa
  15. Megan
  16. Melpomene
  17. Merida
  18. Meryl
  19. Mia
  20. Misty
  21. Moana
  22. Morrigan
  23. Mulan
  24. Mystique
  25. Nala
  26. Naomi
  27. Natalie
  28. Nebula
  29. Nicole
  30. Nyx
  31. Octavia
  32. Odette
  33. Ophelia
  34. Oprah
  35. Pandora
  36. Persephone
  37. Phoenix
  38. Pocahontas
  39. Polyhymnia
  40. Psyche
  41. Rachel
  42. Rapunzel
  43. Reese
  44. Rey
  45. Rhea
  46. Rihanna
  47. Ripley
  48. Rogue
  49. Ronda
  50. Sandra
  51. Sarabi
  52. Scarlett
  53. Selena
  54. Selene
  55. Seraphina
  56. Serena
  57. Shakira
  58. Sif
  59. Simone
  60. Snow White
  61. Storm
  62. Tauriel
  63. Taylor
  64. Terpsichore
  65. Thalia
  66. Thetis
  67. Tiana
  68. Trinity
  69. Urania
  70. Valkyrie
  71. Venus
  72. Vesta
  73. Viola
  74. Wonder Woman
  75. Xanthe
  76. Xena
  77. Zendaya

We hope you found inspiration from these cool names for cats! Here’s to many years of adventures, snuggles, and memorable moments with your coolly-named feline friend. May your days be filled with purrs, whisker kisses, and endless cattitude!